Herbals Control and treatment of poultry diseases through herbal products
Table 1 lists a selection of symptoms treated by the most commonly used plant species. These symptoms were encoded into specific target diseases. Most of the concoctions involved more than one ingredient and these were mainly leaves and roots in the case of herbs, shrubs and barks in case of trees. Some of the trees whose barks were used include Omutsuitsui (Croton megalocarpus),Kumukimilia(Combretum molle)and Neem(Azandrachlia indica).

Table 1.Disease symptoms treated with the 12 priority medicinal plants
Local name Botanical name Parts used Selection of disease symptoms treated Possible target diseases
Aloe (Eshikakha) Aloe Vera Leaves Diarrhoea(Whitish,greenish,bloody) Newcastle disease
Pepper (Pilipili) Capsicum Fruit Coughing, gasping, noisy breathing Respiratory diseases
Sisal (Likonge) Leaves Diarrhoea, unthrift ness, drooping wings Gastrointestinal diseases
Lilokha Leaves Diarrhoea Gastrointestinal diseases
Neem (Mwarobaini) Azadirachta indica Leaves, bark Whitish diarrhoea,pox lesions, scaly legs Viral diseases and external parasites
Omusirangokho Roots Respiratory diseases
Kumukimilia Combretum mole Leaves, bark Gasping, coughs ,foamy diarrhoea Respiratory diseases and intestinal worms
Omutsuitsui Croton megalocarpus bark Swollen heads, Foamy diarrhoea, unthrift ness Coryza, Intestinal worms
Khasanda kwata Leaves Diarrhoea, unthrift ness, drooping wings Respiratory diseases
Amavinzo Tithonia Leaves Diarrhoea (foamy), coughing, unthrift ness, drooping wings Gastrointestinal diseases and worms
Imbululusi Leaves, bark and roots Diarrhoea, unthrift ness, drooping wings Gastrointestinal diseases
Lukosekose Leaves Diarrhoea, coughing Respiratory diseases
Musembe Endatta abysinica Bark Cough, gasps and diarrhoea Respiratory diseases
The amounts of ingredients used in concoctions were not specific although in most instances a 1 kg tin of water was used as a measure for daily administration. Birds were usually given the concoction to drink throughout the day with fresh concoction is provided daily.
Specific concoctions were prepared for specific diseases. For exampleAloe Verawas said to prevent Newcastle,Croton megalocarpuswas said to treat coryza sinusitis,combretum molewas said to treat intestinal worms.
Other concoctions were prepared for general ailments classified into gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory diseases, cutaneous diseases and parasitic diseases. For example Pepper (capsicum),Khasanda kwata,imbululusiconcoctions were prepared for control and treatment of respiratory diseases, Sisal (Likonge),Omusirangokho, tithoniaconcoctions were prepared for gastrointestinal ailments, neem(azadirachta indica) was known to prevent viral ailments.
Farmers used repellants such as Mexican marigoldTegetes minutaandtephrosia vogeliaas insect repellants in poultry houses. Other times they were used in treatment against mites.
Table 2 presents antimicrobial activities of extracts of several medicinal plants. Extracts ofAloe spp, Lilokha, and Azandrachta indicaexhibited significant antimicrobial activities againstSalmonella tymphi, Staphylococcus aureusandEscherichia Coliwhereas the extracts ofImbululusiexhibited antimicrobial activities againstSalmonella tymphiand Staphylococcus aureus.

Table 2. The inhibition of growth ofsalmonella spp, Staphlococcus sppandEscherichia coliby extracts of commonly used medicinal plants
Local name Botanical name Parts extracted Inhibition
Salmonella Staphylococcus Escherichia Coli
Aloe (Eshikakha) Aloe Vera Leaves +ve +ve +ve
Pepper (Pilipili) Capsicum Fruit -ve -ve -ve
Sisal (Likonge) Leaves
Lilokha Leaves +ve +ve +ve
Neem (Mwarobaini) Azadirachta indica Leaves ,bark +ve +ve +ve
Omusirangokho Roots -ve -ve
Kumukimilia Combretum mole Leaves, bark -ve -ve +ve
Omutsuitsui Croton megalocarpus bark
Khasanda kwata Leaves +ve
Amavinzo Tithonia Leaves +ve
Imbululusi Leaves, back and roots +ve +ve
Lukosekose Leaves
Musembe Endatta abysinica Bark +ve
Mukombero Mondia whytei Root +ve +ve
Extracts ofMondia whyteiexhibited antimicrobial activities againstSalmonella tymphiandEscherichia coli.Extracts ofKhasanda kwaataandEndata abyssinicaexhibited antimicrobial activity againstStaphylococcus aureus. Extracts fromTithoniaexhibited antimicrobial activity againstEscherichia coli.

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