I. Vaccine should have been manufactured by a reputed company
which follows rigid path, standards for vaccines production.
2. Vaccines should be purchased from a shop which has
refrigeration and freezer facilities.
3. Vaccine should not have passed its expiry at printed on its labia
4. Viral live vaccine should be transported from the market to the
farm on ice.
5.Instructions printed on the label of the vaccine should be
strictly followed.
6. Exact dose of vaccine should be adtninstered in the way it is
7. Vaccines should not be stored for a long line. It may be
purchased when needed, but sufficiently in advance so that
vaccination could be done on a scheduled date. One should keep
an eye whether vaccine is in short supply.
8. Ailing flock should not be vaccinated. It may not respond to the
vaccine or to the stress due to the vaccine, may aggrevate the
disease present.
9.Very young chick should not be vaccinated. Maternal
antibodies present in them may neutralize the vim? and may not
all immune response to develop.
10. Live vaccines should not be used in areas where the disease
has not existed,
11. Equipment used for vaccination should be cleaned and
12. Vaccination should be done during the cold hours of. the day.
I. Live vaccines should always be kept in a refrigerator or in a
2. While suspending the vaccine in a diluent, the diluent should
be cooled to a temperature of 4-.10c’Centigrade.
3.Vaccine suspension should be prepared just before it is used
and should not lie unused.
4. Only that much amount of vaccine should be suspended which
will be used up within a period of two hours of its preparation.
5, Only a small amount of vaccine should be taken into a dropper
or a vaccinator so that it could be used within 10-15 minutes to
prevent transfer of heat from the hands of the vaccinating person.
6, Un-used vaccine and vaccine containers should be incinerated
or deep hurried.
7. Vaccination should not be internipted. The whole flock should
be vaccinated at a stretch.
Since modern poultty farming raises a large number of birds, it is
diffic.’ult to vaccinate individual bird and therefore administration
of vaccine through drinking water is generally practised. But this
mode of vaccination does not ensure up-take of vaccine by each
bird. Vaccination through drinking water should not be followed
for primary vaccination. Primaty vaccination should be done by
taking care of individual bird. Booster vaccination may be done
through drinking water, taking certain precautions as follows:
I. Birds should be made thirsty by withdrawing water for about
two hours before vaccination (in summer season one hour is
2. All waterers and utensils to be used for vaccine preparation
should be cleaned with non-medicated water.
3. Drinking water to be used for vaccine preparation should not
contain any detergents or medicines that may kill the organisms
in vaccine.
4. Water should be cooled if necessary by adding ice cubes. it
should also contains 6gmfit of water of skimmed milk powder.
This stabilizes the virus in the vaccine and prevents the action of
detergents if any present in water. Skimmed milk powder should
be dissolved in water and formation of lumps should be avoided.
5. Vaccine should be suspended in such a quantity of water that it
would be utilised by birds within two hours.
6. Sufficient waterers should be placed so that evely chick should
get water containing vaccine.
1. Store the diluent bottles in the refrigerator overnight before
use to chili.
2. Using sterile needles and syringe withdraw approximately 2-5
ml chilled diluent and transfer it to vaccine vial.
3. Suspend the vaccine pellet by shaking vaccine vial moderately
4. Using the same syringe, remove the diluted vaccine and
transfer to the diluent bottle.
5. Rinse the vaccine vials twice with 2-5 ml. of diluted vaccine
and transfer the same to the diluent bottle.
6. Mix the final vaccine by gently inverting the diluent several
times also by Shaking the diluent bottle in a whirling movement
of eight.
7. During vaccination shake the bottle of reconstitued vaccine
frequently and keep it on ice.
Store diluent at 30+3 C. Thawing Should be done in water-bath at 35-37 C within 45-60 seconds. Wipe Ampoule with dly cloth , Break open ampoule. Withdraw vaccine & tran#-er to diluents bottle. Rinse the ampoule twice with diluent. Gently mix Keep it at 30±3 C temperature. Finish vaccination within one hour.
Handle with care .Use Gloves & Glasses while handling Liquid Nitrogen
Remove the vaccine from the refrigerator the day before it is to
be used and allow it to attend room temperature because
viscosity of the emulsion increases during refrigeration.
Shake well before use and also during the frequent syring
Methods of vaccination
A. 1. Hold the chick with one eye turned up.
2. Take the reconstituted vaccine in a sterile syringe using a blunt
needle if _16 gauge or take it into a dropper bottle.
3. Install one drop in the eye.
4. Ensure that the vaccine drop is completely absorbed in the eye.
B. 1. Take the reconstituted vaccine in a holder, which is
attached with an automatic syringe.
2. Inject subcutaneously in the lower half of the neck, under the
loose skin at the point midway between the birds head and base
of the neck
Inactivated vaccines have several advantages over conventional live
1. There is no danger of organism multipling and causing an
infectious reaction in a stressed, laying, or immunosupressed bird.
Since no new living organism is brought in the farm. There is no
danger of reversion to virulence or spread to susceptible birds.
2. Each bird is individually handled and given a uniform dose, the
flocks immune response is more unifirm even with the careful
administration it can be difficult to achieve uniform exposure
when using a live vaccine.
3. The humeral immune response (production of circulating
antibody) is generally greater with inactivated products. This is an advantage when hyper immunising breeder hence in order to
provide passive protection for chicks.
4. Also by stimulating veto) high titters inactivated products may
reduce or eliminate the need for revaccination for some disease in
laying birds.
5. Since the vaccine organism is already killed, storage
requirements are not as stringent and the shelf life for inactivated vaccine is usually longer than for live vaccines.
6. Since there are no infective components killed vaccines can be
combined more easily than live vaccines.
7. Viral interference, as occurs when some live viral vaccines are
administered together, is not a problem with inactivated vaccines
As with any technological advance, there are also disadvantages related to the use of inactivated vaccines.
I. They are usually much more expensive than their live
counterparts. Since the organism is dead, it does not multiply
within the host. Therefore a much higher number of organisms
must be included in each dose for presentation to the immune
system. Also, the addition of adjuvants also increases costs, not
only through its inherent expense but also by significantly
incivasing shipping weight.
2. Labour costs are higher since mass administration methods,
such as spray or water vaccination are not appropriate.
3. Although danger form a living organism is eliminated with
killed vaccines, when not injected properly, adjuvanted vaccines
can cause severe local tissue reactions.
4. The fact that killed vaccines tend to stimulate relatively high
circulating antibody responses can be misleading. The immune
system responds to pathogens by producing cellular or cell-
mediated immunity as well as through the production of antibodies
(humoral immunity). For many pathogens, especially viral
pathogen.. cell mediated immunity (that is immunity involving
immune cells rather than antibodies) may be more important for
protection than high levels of blood antibodis.
5. A local (or example, eye drop) vaccination with a mild live
virus, may result in better cell medicated immunity and local
antibody production than a single killed vaccination. This 41/2
local 41/2 immunity can play a vital role in the protection against
upper respiratory diseases.
Errors in vaccination of poultry flocks are not uncommon. Following are some of the common problems.
Vaccine Handling
1. Vaccine stored in an inoperative refrigerator.
2. Two much vaccine mixed before use (over 2 hrs). Reconstituted vaccine quantity is more (not consumed by birds within two hours).
3. Vaccine can-le d to house without ice.
Water Vaccination
1, Unclean waterline would lead to inactivation of vaccine.
2. Enough water not used.for vaccination.
3. Water lines not, filled before vaccination commences.
4. Water line sanitilers not removed in adequate time before vaccination
Spray Vaccination
L incorrect droplet silre used for spraying
2, Too little vaccine mixture applied / not all birds exposed to vaccine
3. Flock improperly primmed before spray vaccination
4. Lights not dimmed during spraying
.5. Ventilation system not turned off during spraying
6. Ventilation system not turned offafier spraying
Wing Web or Eye Drop Vaccination
I, Grant inoculators not held vertically during use.
2. Too much vaccine mixed before use.
3. Wing web vaccine given by eye drop and eye drop vaccine given by wing web

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