
The Japanese scientists first tamed the wild quails and revealed the ways to raise them as domestic birds. Commercial quail farming in Japan has spread tremendously. Now, people throughout the world performing quail farming business commercially for the purpose of meat and egg production. Quail farming is very profitable like other farming ventures, such as chicken, turkey or duck farming business. Almost all types of weather conditions are suitable for starting quail farming business. Quail eggs are very nutritious than other poultry eggs. Because quail eggs contain comparatively more protein, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, B1 and B2. Quail farming can play a vital role to meet up the demand of food and nutrition. Quail farming business require small capital and labour. Quails can be raised along with your other poultry birds for meat or eggs production.

Benefits of Quail Farming

  • Birds are smaller sized bird, so they can be raised within small place.
  • Feeding cost of quails are comparatively lower than other poultry birds.
  • Diseases are less in quails, and they are very hardy.
  • Chicks grow very fast and gain maturity faster than any other poultry birds.
  • They start laying eggs within their 6 to 7 weeks of age.
  • It takes about 16 to 18 days to hatch their eggs.
  • Meat and eggs of these birds are very tasty, delicious and nutritious. So it’s a great source of food and nutrition.
  • Quail farming needs small capital, and labour cost is very low.
  • They can be raised successfully in commercial method.
  • The meat contain less fat. So, it is suitable for high blood pressure patients.
  • Their food to meat or eggs converting efficiency is satisfactory. They can produce one kg meat or eggs by consuming three kg food.
  • You can raise 6 to 7 quails in the same place that is required for one chicken.
  • The eggs are smaller in size, so the price is also lower than other bird’s egg. As a result, all types of people can buy quail eggs and you can easily sell the eggs.
  • You can raise about 6 to 8 quails within 0.91 square meter area.
  • As it is a lucrative business venture, so commercial quail farming business can be a great source of income and employment for the unemployed educated people. Even, you can start raising a few quails along with your current profession.

Housing of Quail Birds

These birds can be raised in both litter and cage systems. But quail farming in cage system is more suitable than raising them in deep litter system. In cage system, management is very easy and diseases or other problems are less. Make a proper ventilation system and ensure proper flow of air and light inside their house. You can raise 50 quails in a cage measuring 120 cm length, 60 cm wide and 25 cm height. Use wire net for making their cages. Measurement of the net would be 5 mm x 5 mm for adult quails. Plastic cages are most convenient for quail farming business. The house must have to be out of the reach of wild animals. Also prevent all types of predators.

Feeding of Quail Birds

For keeping your quails healthy, proper growing and highly productive, provide them balanced feed regularly. An adult quail consumes about 20 to 25 grams of food daily. Chick feed should contain 27%  and adult feed 22-24% of protein. A chart of balanced feed for quails is shown below.

Egg Production in Quails

Presence of adequate light is highly recommended for desired egg production from your quails. You can provide artificial light and heat by using electric bulb or heater. You can use 40 to 100 watt bulb for this purpose. Demand of light and heat varies depending on the season. If you want successful breeding and want to hatch their eggs, then keep one male with every five female quails. For getting better egg production, select highly productive breeds and always keep their house dry and clean. Egg production also depends on temperature, feeding, water, care and management. To get desired egg production from your quails, light play a vital role.

Raising of Quail Chicks

Quails never incubate their eggs. So, you can produce chicks by hatching their eggs through chickens or artificially through using incubators. Incubation period for quail egg is about 16 to 18 days. For maximum egg production, 16 hours of lighting period is required daily inside the quail house. Keep newly born quail chicks in a brooder house. Chicks need artificial heat and temperature management system for 14 to 21 days from their birth. Quail chick become very sensitive. They can be raised in both litter and battery system.

Basic requirements
  • Adequate temperature
  • Sufficient light
  • Proper air movement
  • Density of quail chicks
  • Supply of food and water
  • Hygienic rearing rule
Diseases in Quils
Diseases are less in quails, compared to other poultry birds. But you have to take good care and manage them properly, to keep them free from all types of diseases or illness. Good care and management is a must for profitable quail farming business. Generally they are not provided any disease preventive vaccines. Quail chicks can’t tolerate weather change, and sudden temperature change. So they get affected by disease, if they experience sudden temperature or weather changes. Be very careful during this period. Following diseases are very harmful for the quails.
Coccidiosis: If the quails get affected by coccidiosis disease, serve them coaxial 20 by mixing with water (two grams per litter) for three days. Otherwise feed this according to the advice of a veterinarian.
Ulcerative Enteritis: Mix one gram streptomycin with one litter water and serve it to the quails for three days. This will stop ulcerative enteritis disease.

Marketing of Quails

Quail meat and eggs are very tasty and highly enriched with nutrient elements. So there is already an established market for quail products. As quail birds and their eggs are small in size, so it is cheap in price and all types of people can purchase. So you don’t have to worry much about marketing your products. You can easily sell the eggs and meat in your local market. But it will be better if you determine your marketing strategies before starting this business. Because all places around the world have not the same marketing facilities.

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